The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) has announced that starting 00:00 on June 27 (time of arrival in Taiwan), quarantine measures for arriving travelers will be strengthened as the Delta variant continues to spread globally and is highly transmissible. Details about strengthened measures are listed below.
Passengers entering Taiwan from key high-risk countries (India, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Peru, Israel, Indonesia and Bangladesh) must stay at group quarantine facilities. Other passengers are required to stay in quarantine hotels or stay at group quarantine facilities at their own expense.
According to strengthened quarantine measures, you and your family should undergo quarantine in a quarantine hotel or a group quarantine facility, but each of you should quarantine in a separate room with a separate bathroom (one person per room).
If you meet the requirements for undergoing quarantine with your family in the same room for caregiving reasons, you may quarantine in the same room with them. If you need to make such a request, you should submit your application to the local government.
The requirements for undergoing quarantine with family members for caregiving reasons:
(1) Children and teenagers (<18 years old).
(2) Individuals who are ≧65 years old and unable to take care of themselves.
(3) Individuals with physical or mental disabilities.
(4) Individuals with physical or mental incapacity.
(5) Individuals with serious injuries.
(6) Pregnant women who cannot take care of themselves during pregnancy as assessed by a doctor.
(7) Individuals unable to take care of themselves due to injuries or illnesses.
(8) Other conditions approved by the local government.
According to the CECC, each arriving traveler will still generally have to be quarantined in a separate room.
In a departure from current practice, however, family members or co-residents who enter Taiwan on the same day can stay in the same hotel or group quarantine facility room, depending on the size of the room.
One room per person is also the general principle for the four-day home quarantine, but family members who have been fully vaccinated at least 14 days previously will be allowed to stay in the same room as the person arriving from abroad.
People who stay together in a room in a quarantine hotel or government facility for the first 10 days will be allowed to stay in the same residence for the final four days of the isolation period, the CECC said.
Individuals arriving from countries other than high-risk countries must undergo one polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19 test upon arrival and one more PCR test on the ninth or 10th day of the quarantine period, to be arranged by the local government.
Individuals who test negative can return to their home or a relative’s residence on the 11th day of their quarantine period and undergo the last four days of their quarantine at that residence.
They will have to get another PCR test one day before ending their quarantine period.
Travelers should prepare related documents required for the program they choose (Program A:Stay in a quarantine hotel for 14 days and practice 7 days of self-health management; Program B: 10 days in a quarantine hotel + 4 days at home for quarantine + 7 days of self-health management; Program C: Stay in a self-paid government quarantine facility or a quarantine hotel for the first 7 days, spend the remaining 7 days at home, and practice 7 days of self-health management) and a personal mobile phone with internet access. Regardless of which quarantine program they choose, all travelers must prepare a COVID-19 RT-PCR test report issued within three days prior to boarding and quarantine hotel reservation confirmation. Those who choose Program C will need to prepare proof of full vaccination in addition to the above-mentioned documents. Additionally, Travelers who choose Program B/C and will undergo home quarantine for the last four/seven days because the one person per room rule can be followed (everyone in the same household has to be fully vaccinated for 14 days) should have the name, ID number, phone number of everyone in the same household for the online declaration.