If you are looking for a tough plant it’s hard to beat lantana. Lantana are heat tolerant, use little to no supplemental water in the landscape, will tolerate less than ideal soils and usually don’t need to be deadheaded. If you are looking for a plant that will thrive on neglect, lantana is the champ. Lantana come in many shapes, sizes and habits. Check size and habit information for the specific variety you are choosing to make sure it fits your needs. Lantana can be trimmed back at anytime to shape or to promote increased branching.
In many parts of the US and Canada lantana function as an annual. In reality they are a tender perennial, in warm winter climates they become flowering shrubs.
If you live in an area where Lantana is perennial they are essentially trouble free, they can be pruned at any time of year and usually benefit with a harder shape-up pruning in early spring after last frost date. Midsummer fertilization can help overcome any slow down in growth during the dog days of summer and help bring even more flowers.