This set contains four floors and is based on the American pop culture sitcoms tv series from Friends and Seinfeld. Each floor is based on the original Lego sets all put into one building. The first floor is the Central Perk cafe featured in Friends. The second floor contains the Seinfeld apartment. The third and fourth floors are the Friends apartment with Joey and Chandler’s apartment on the third floor and Monica and Rachel’s apartment on the fourth floor.
該套裝包含四層樓,以 Friends 和 Seinfeld 的美國流行文化情景喜劇電視連續劇為基礎。 每一層都基於原始的樂高套裝,全部放入一棟建築中。 一樓是《老友記》裡的Central Perk Cafe。 二樓包含宋飛公寓。 三樓和四樓是老友記公寓,三樓是喬伊和錢德勒的公寓,四樓是莫妮卡和瑞秋的公寓。