This is my favorite TV sitcom of all time, The Big Bang Theory. This set is the original Lego set and is a replica of Leonard and Sheldon’s living room where majority of the sitcom takes place. It includes all the main cast: Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj, Penny, Amy, and Bernadette. This set includes a lot of iconic elements from the sitcom including a telescope, whiteboard, DNA display model and various ornaments.
這是我最喜歡的情景喜劇-宅男行不行。 該套裝是原始的樂高套裝,是 Leonard 和 Sheldon 起居室的複製品,大部分情景喜劇都發生在這裡。 它包括所有主要演員:Sheldon、Leonard、Howard、Raj、Penny、Amy 和 Bernadette。 該套裝包含情景喜劇中的許多標誌性元素,包括望遠鏡、白板、DNA 展示模型和各種裝飾品。