This set recreates the festive traditions of a Lunar New Year at the Temple Fair. This set is centered around a traditional Chinese temple and the different fair stalls at the front of the temple. It has a food, toy, household items, and shadow theater stalls. The grounds of the fair is surrounded by plum trees with lucky Chinese phrases.
該佈景重現了廟會農曆新年的節日傳統。 這個場景圍繞著一座傳統的中國寺廟和寺廟前面不同的集市攤位。 它有食品、玩具、家居用品和皮影戲攤位。 集市場地周圍環繞著帶有幸運中文短語的梅樹。
The Lunar New Year season is a busy time for temples. Worshippers typically visit the temple on the third day of the Lunar New Year to light incense and pray to deities for blessings and good luck in the year ahead. Many major temples will also put on festive dragon and lion dances in the courtyard.
農曆新年季節是寺廟的繁忙時期。 信眾通常在農曆大年初三到廟裡上香,祈求神靈來年保佑吉祥如意。 許多大寺廟也會在院內擺上喜慶的舞龍舞獅。