This set is the Hsi Fang Education Center, the adjacent building next to the His Fang Temple building. Just like in real life, this building compliments the existing Hsi Fang Temple Lego set. This set contains the temple’s bookstore and cafe on the first floor. The second floor has the library, a classroom, and an outdoor patio area. On the third floor, there is a balcony walkway that over looks the patio below. The third floor is the temple’s guest residence floor.
這套是熙芳教育中心,緊鄰熙芳寺大樓的相鄰建築。 就像在現實生活中一樣,這座建築與現有的西方寺樂高套裝相得益彰。 該套裝包含位於一樓的寺廟書店和咖啡廳。 二樓有圖書館、教室和室外露台區。 在三樓,有一個陽台走道,可以俯瞰下面的天井。 三樓是寺廟的客舍層。