Exhibit: New this year is the Asian festivals, University Heights Lunar New Year street parade, and the diorama sets. The Asian festivals include different festivals celebrated in Asia throughout the year, not just Lunar New Year. The University Heights Lunar New Year street parade is centered around the Hsi Fang Temple with additional sitcom buildings. The buildings are connected to form a street where the Lunar New Year celebration takes place. The final section is the diorama sets. These are interesting little sets of a particular scene, each telling a story.
Event: 2023 Lunar New Year (Year of the Rabbit/Cat) Lego Exhibit at the Hsi Fang Temple in San Diego, California.
Address: 4536 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92116
Date: 01/22/2023 to 02/05/2023 9am – 5pm
Website: https://www.eugenethepanda.com/templeexhibit
Be sure to RSVP, event free for all and open to the public.
There is also the “Orchids for Everyone” Exhibition and the “Buddha is in Everything” Painting Gallery. The lion dance and other performances will be on Sunday 1/29/2023 at 2:00-3:30pm (1.5 hours).
An Insight into the LEGO Display Event:
Hope you can come out and see it in person. There will be a special event on 1/29/2023 at 3:30pm at my Lego exhibit as I will be taking apart the Lego buildings floor by floor so you can see the detail interior.
Last Weekend
I will be there in person this Sunday 2/5 from 1pm to 4pm to wrap up the event. Come and check it out this last weekend.
Section 1: Asian Festival sets.
Section 2: University Heights Lunar New Year Parade sets.
Section 3: Diorama sets.
Click on the title of the set below for more detail description.
Asian Festival Lego Sets
Lunar New Year Ice Festival (農曆新年冰節)

Story of Nian (年的故事)

Spring Lantern Festival (春節元宵節)

Dragon Boat Festival (端午節)

Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節)

The Legend of the White Snake (白蛇傳)

Cherry Blossom Festival (櫻花節)

Japanese Temple (日本寺廟)

Dragon and Lion Dance (舞龍舞獅)

Temple Fair (廟會)

Lunar New Year Traditions (農曆新年的傳統)

Lunar New Year Display (農曆新年展示)

University Heights Lunar New Year Parade Lego Sets
University Heights Lunar New Year Parade (University Heights 農曆新年遊行)

Hsi Fang Temple (西方寺)

Hsi Fang Educational Center (西方寺教育中心)

Hsi Fang Temple Garage (西方寺車庫)

Hsi Lai Temple (西來寺)

Sitcom Tower 1 (電視喜劇建築1)

Sitcom Tower 2 (電視喜劇建築2)

Sesame Street (芝麻街)

Diorama Lego Sets
Lunar New Year Celebration at Aunt’s House (姨媽家過年)

Hsi Fang Temple Main Prayer Hall (西方寺大殿)

Adobe Bluffs Elementary School (Adobe Bluffs 小學)

Nobita’s Room from Doraemon (哆啦A夢大雄的房間)

The Big Bang Theory (宅男行不行)

New Year Eve Dinner (年夜飯)

The Great Outdoors (戶外活動)

Hong Kong Roadside Eatery (香港大排檔)

About the Creator, Eugene Chiang

My name is Eugene Chiang and I create miniature brick artworks. I started out collecting Legos and then got into building my own brick creations. The brick sets that I create all have something meaningful to me. One of my first brick sets that I created was the Buddhist Hsi Fang Temple. It is the temple that my wife Christina and have been part of for several years now. Since then, I have built many more sets. I wanted to use Lego and Lego related bricks to introduce people about Taiwan (where I am from originally) and the Asian culture. Showcasing the Lunar New Year here at the exhibit is the perfect introduction to the Asian culture.
我的名字是 Eugene Chiang,我創作微型磚藝術品。 我開始收集樂高積木,然後開始構建自己的作品,這些作品對我都有一些意義。 我和我太太 Christina 多年來一直參與寺廟的活動,我首批作品之一即是佛光山西方寺。 自此之後,我又製作了更多的作品。 我想用樂高和樂高相關的積木來介紹介紹人們關於台灣(我的出生地)和亞洲文化。 在展覽中展示農曆新年是對亞洲文化的完美介紹。
Where is minifigure Eugene in the exhibit this year?

My Lego minifigure (computer programmer) is somewhere among the display sets at the exhibit. See if you can find me again this year.
Hint: Just follow the food.
我的樂高小公仔在展覽的某一角。 看看你今年能不能再找到我。
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Contact Me
Feel free to contact me for any questions or comments? I love to hear from you about what you think of the exhibit.
Eugene Chiang
Email: me@eugenethepanda.com