Taipei House

This set is based on the childhood Taipei condo house where I grew up in before coming to the United States. It features two of my favorite food as a child, the Yong He Soy Milk King (永和豆漿大王) and the Taiwanese black sugar shaved ice. The floor above on the left is our house and the one next door (to the right) is my aunt’s house. It also features my mom, who seems to be able to grow anything, on the rooftop garden. My dad, who is pretty handy, is on the roof fixing the mini satellite dish. My aunt (Chef Ahnan) is in the kitchen cooking up a banquet feast and my uncle is meditating in the room above. Also, my cousin (which I call sister) is riding a bike on her way to work in the clinic.
這套是基於我來美國之前長大的童年台北公寓。它有兩種我小時候最喜歡的食物,永和豆漿大王和台灣黑糖刨冰。左邊樓上是我們家,隔壁(右邊)是我姑姑家。它還以我的媽媽為特色,她似乎可以在屋頂花園種植任何東西。我的爸爸非常得心應手,正在屋頂上修理迷你衛星天線。我的阿姨(主廚 Ahnan)在廚房裡準備宴會,我的叔叔在上面的房間裡冥想。另外,我的表妹(我稱她為姐姐)正在騎自行車去診所上班。

Line Friends Store

This set is based on the Line Friends store from a visit to South Korea. The Line Friends characters are pretty popular in Asia and they have opened up many stores in South Korea. At the front entrance of the store is the larger than life Brown character that greets everyone coming into the store. The set also features a Line Friends cafe on the top floor. Sitting on the roof is the Cony (Brown’s wife) character.
這套是基於訪問韓國的 Line Friends 商店。 Line Friends 角色在亞洲非常受歡迎,他們在韓國開設了許多商店。 在商店的正門是比生命更大的布朗角色,迎接每個進入商店的人。 該套裝還在頂層設有 Line Friends 咖啡廳。 坐在屋頂上的是Cony(布朗的妻子)角色。

Lego and Tiffany Store

This set is based on my favorite store, and you guess it, the Lego store. It features many Star Wars characters and the usual Lego store setup. I added the roof to showcase the original Lego color theme. Around the corner to the left is my wife’s favorite store. It does not have a name but you should be able to tell from the big light blue box and white ribbon.
這套是基於我最喜歡的商店,你猜對了,樂高商店。 它具有許多星球大戰角色和通常的樂高商店設置。 我添加了屋頂以展示原始的樂高顏色主題。 左邊拐角處是我妻子最喜歡的商店。 它沒有名字,但你應該可以從淺藍色的大盒子和白色的絲帶上看出來。

Taiwanese Boba Milk Tea and Taiwan Railroad Bento

Part of the “Taste of Taiwan” series that I am working showcasing the most memorable things I know about Taiwan, it’s food. The boba milk tea has become the ionic symbol of Taiwan. You can now find boba milk tea everywhere here in the United States now. To the left is the Taiwan Railroad bento. The Taiwan Railroad Bento set is based on my favorite childhood food, the pork chop bento served on Taiwan’s railroad. We used to travel on the railroad to visit my mom’s family in Hualien and the pork chop bento was the thing I always look forward to when we were traveling on the train.
我正在製作的“台灣味道”系列的一部分,展示了我所知道的關於台灣最難忘的事情,那就是食物。 波霸奶茶已成為台灣的離子像徵。 你現在可以在美國到處找到波巴奶茶。 左邊是台鐵便當。 台灣鐵路便當套餐是基於我最喜歡的童年食物,台灣鐵路上供應的豬排便當。 我們曾經坐火車去花蓮探望我媽媽的家人,而豬排便當是我在火車上一直期待的東西。

Hunan Restaurant

Last but not the least, is the Hunan Chinese Restaurant set. This set is based on our family’s restaurant back in the Midwest. It’s the restaurant chain that my parents and my relatives have started in the United States. I grew up working at the restaurant and can still remember the many memories I have working in my parent’s restaurant. My parent are retired now and my sister and her husband are managing the restaurant now. You can still find the restaurant and many others locations in Nebraska.
最後但並非最不重要的是湖南中餐廳套餐。 這套是基於我們家在中西部的餐廳。 這是我父母和親戚在美國開的連鎖餐廳。 我在餐廳工作長大,至今仍記得我在父母餐廳工作的許多回憶。 我的父母現在退休了,我姐姐和她的丈夫現在正在管理餐廳。 您仍然可以在內布拉斯加州找到這家餐廳和許多其他地點。