This set explains the origin of the Chinese New Year and some of it’s traditions. A popular folklore tells of a mythical beast called Nian (which sounds the same as ‘year’ in Chinese) that shows up every New Year’s Eve to cause havoc in the village. To scare away the Nian monster, the village people displayed red paper everywhere, burned bamboo, lit candles, and wore red clothes. In addition, people also made loud noises and burn bright lights from the fireworks to scare of this Nian monster. These traditions have been continued until the present time.
這一套是眾多套組中的第一組,解釋了中國新年的起源及其一些傳統。農曆新年已有數千年的歷史. 一個流行的民間傳說講述了一隻叫做年的神獸,它每年除夕都會出現,在村子裡造成嚴重破壞。 村民們為了嚇跑年獸,會到處張貼紅紙、燒竹子、點蠟燭和穿紅色衣物。 此外,人們還大聲喧嘩,燃放炮竹,以嚇唬這只年獸。 這些傳統一直延續到現在。

The front entrance tells the story of this Nian monster. The rest of the house features the tradition of what people do on Chinese New Year.
前門展示講述了這個年獸的故事。 房子的其餘部分以人們過年的傳統為特色。

The Chinese New Year holiday is centered around food. People spend several days in preparation of the New Year Eve’s dinner, and every dish has symbolic meaning. For example, one of the dishes would most likely be a whole fish. A whole fish symbolizes wholeness and prosperity. People would also serve dumplings because they look like the gold ingot and/or noodles which represent longevity.
中國新年圍繞著吃,人們會花數日準備年夜飯,而每道菜都具有像徵意義。 例如,其中一道菜很可能是整條魚,一條完整的魚象徵著完整和繁榮。人們也會準備餃子,因為它看起來像傳統的金元寶;麵條則代表長壽。

Another tradition of the Chinese New Year is the cleaning. People often clean their house to dust off any of the bad luck of the previous year and to welcoming in the new start of the year. However, you should do the cleaning before the first day to sweep away any of the old bad lucks and not any of the new good lucks that arrived at the stroke of midnight.

Chinese New Year in my family has always been centered around family gathering and food. There would be a huge feast along with Mahjong, a tile-based four person game.

My favorite holiday during my childhood has always been the Chinese New Year because the many aunts and uncles that come visit us would always hand out red envelopes with money inside to me.
Note: Due to global supply chain issues and labor shortage, this set remains unfinished. 🙂