Small (Camping size) Disposable Propane Cylinders: DO NOT place disposable propane cylinders in the blue recycling container. Partially lled cylinders are potentially explosive and may not be disposed in the trash. For proper disposal, completely empty the one pound propane cylinder with normal use and place the empty cylinders in the trash.
Aerosol Cans:
Aerosol cans containing food, cleaning products, spray paint, car products, or personal care products are a hazard because they are under pressure, therefore explosive, and often contain hazardous (toxic, ammable, or corrosive) materials. Cans that are not completely empty can cause injury to waste and recycling workers, as well as the public. For this reason, aerosol cans containing any residual product may not be recycled or put in your regular trash.
A completely empty aerosol can (containing no liquids or propellant) that did not hold a hazardous material may be recycled in the blue bins. Examples of non-hazardous aerosol products are: cooking spray; food products; spray starch; lubricants; and shaving cream. Empty containers for hazardous waste products can be disposed in the trash.